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2-euro muntstuk



DThe main task of an administrator is to manage the assets of its clients. Of course, an administrator does much more.

For more information you canContact record with us!

2-euro muntstuk



DThe mentor arranges the personal care, nursing, treatment and supervision of her clients. The mentor makes decisions in this regard in consultation with her client.





Dhe curator has all the powers and duties that a mentor and administrator have. 

Step-by-step plan 

to administration / mentorship / guardianship

A paper application is sent to the subdistrict court judge. You will receive an invitation from the judge for a hearing. If the judge supports the request, the request will be granted. 

You are under administration, mentorship or guardianship.  

You provide us with all the necessary information so that we can start the file for you.

In case of administration or guardianship you will receive a management account and a living money account. You may receive a new bank card.  

Bij bewind en curatele wordt er en budgetplan opgesteld. Alle partijen worden aangeschreven en jij krijgt wekelijks leefgeld. Indien er schulden zijn, worden de schuldeisers aangeschreven.

Het bewind is gestart.


Bij mentorschap wordt er contact gezocht met behandelaren en begeleiders en wordt het behandelplan afgestemd. 

Post naar de bewindvoerder
Budgetplan opstellen


Financiën stabiliseren

en stabiel houden

Send all your letters to the administrator!

Make it easier for yourself and us


The administrator or trustee will register you for debt restructuring.


Mentorship and Guardianship

Protecting your personal interests.

In gesprek met cliënten

Good telephone accessibility

Both over the phone
like whatsapp



NPB Bewind, Beheer & Coaching is lid van de branchevereniging:

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